Discover the Heartfelt Stories in 'Peaches'

Jan Lovett Music

Experience the soulful melodies and poignant lyrics that define Jan Lovett’s debut album, ‘Peaches’. Each track is a window into her life, filled with passion, love, and resilience.

Jan Lovett cup of tea

Introducing Jan Lovett

“Hallo, welcome to my website –it’s good to meet you! I hope you enjoy having a browse and listening to my music.”

Jan Lovett is a talented singer-songwriter whose music captures the essence of her life’s journey. Growing up in South East London, Jan found solace in music, which became her voice and her home. Her debut album, ‘Peaches’, is a collection of songs that narrate her experiences, from the highs of love to the depths of loss. With a unique blend of acoustic and contemporary sounds, Jan’s music resonates with listeners on a deeply personal level.

“Music is the language of the soul, and through 'Peaches', I share my story with you.”

Featured Track

Listen to 'Lovers and Friends'

Immerse yourself in ‘Lovers and Friends’, a standout track from Jan Lovett’s album ‘Peaches’. This song encapsulates the warmth and nostalgia of cherished memories, inviting you to sit back and let the music wash over you.

Explore Jan Lovett's Visual Story

Peaches Album Cover Gallery

Peaches Album Front Cover
Peaches CD artwork
Jan Lovett Singer
Peaches Album Back Cover

Dive Deeper into Jan Lovett's Music

Discover the heartfelt stories behind Jan Lovett’s album, Peaches. Click below to immerse yourself in her soulful melodies and lyrical tales.